Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Eczema Home Remedies Anyone Can Try

By Jeremy Williams

Eczema is an embarrassing and uncomfortable rash that may be caused by a number of factors. Eczema home remedies can sometimes get symptoms under control, or solve the problem entirely. You can usually identify eczema by a scaly, inflamed rash with dry, red skin.

Your rashes may be caused by any number of bacterial or environmental factors, so keep that in mind as you treat yourself. It is important to discuss your intentions with a medical professional, particularly to be certain that the relief is due to solving the underlying problem rather than simply masking symptoms.

Many former sufferers will advise undertaking a dairy and gluten free diet to help reduce symptoms. Dairy and grain are known irritants to most people, but in some they have a much more visible effect and present as rashes. Altering your diet for a few weeks in order to allow the body to flush irritation is a simple but possibly powerful change you can do for yourself.

In nearly any grocery store, you should be able to find a jar of organic coconut oil. Coconut oil is gaining popularity as a home remedy tools because it has multiple uses. It has probiotic, antiseptic properties as well as being extremely gentle and conditioning for skin and hair. Apply coconut oil to the affect area three or four times per day and you should start seeing improvement within a few days.

The best way to reduce irritation and help prevent new rashes is to reduce the amount of things that come in unnecessary contact with your skin. Detergents, perfumes, deodorant, soap, conditioner, lotion, all of it contains unpronounceable chemicals and artificial fragrances, some of which have been proven toxic. Most household cleaning can be managed with vinegar and baking soda, but most people don't realize they can use both on their skin, hair, and teeth as well. You can clean a sink, a dish, or your hair or face all the same way: scrub with a paste of baking soda and water, rinse it off, and then rinse again with a weak solution of apple cider vinegar and water.

Wet wraps can provide relief, especially if worn overnight. Moisten the affected area and cover it with a damp layer of cloth, and then wrap it in a dry cloth to hold it in place. For a stronger effect, apply a paste of water and baking soda, or of an over-the-counter steroid cream against the skin before wrapping. Remember to discuss this treatment with your physician before using it, just in case.

Its always best to check with a medical professional before attempting to treat medical conditions at home. Doctors cannot force a certain treatment on anyone but may have some additional knowledge or advice to provide to make the process easier. Eczema home remedies are not surefire solutions to the problem, but can be used as a starting point to finding relief.

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