Saturday, September 28, 2013

How To Cure Eczema Simply And Naturally

By Laurie Bennett

Knowing how to cure eczema without resorting to endless medical visits, along with steroid products and chemical creams, can often be elusive. Concerned sufferers can achieve considerable relief though by just making some simple changes to lifestyle. Having a certain kind of plant handy will also help.

Some changes to the clothing the sufferer wears can make significant differences. Artificial fibres or scratchy fibres like wool should not be warn next to the skin, as they can irritate any dry skin, inflaming it. Try to wear fibres such as cotton close to the skin instead.

The detergent a sufferer's clothes and bedding are washed in also exerts significant positive impact on skin conditions. Washing powders and liquids which are described as 'biological' are best avoided. Using as natural a detergent as possible is desirable, at least one which is non-biological.

Keeping dry skin moisturized helps to keep skin irritation in check. Commercially available moisturizers often contain chemicals which irritate sensitive skin, leading to itchiness and irritation which only makes things worse. For that reason, it is best to choose a natural alternative such as cocoa butter or almond oil, or at least a product which is designed for sensitive skins and kept as additive free as possible.

A plant called aloe vera has been shown to be efficacious in treating in a number of skin conditions, from eczema and rashes, to burns and cuts and even more serious wounds. As a handy skin treatment it is unsurpassed. Avoid using commercially available products which contain it though, as they also contain other chemicals which are not helpful. Purchase an aloe vera plant from garden centre instead, and squeeze its juice and pulp to treat the skin with.

This cactus-like plant is inexpensive and very easy to care for. Keeping one in the house ready to use will go a long way to help people looking for how to cure eczema. Coupled with lifestyle changes, positive results can be achieved by anyone.

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