Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Recommended Natural Remedies For Eczema Treatment

By Bradley Williams

A topic dermatitis, or eczema, is an itchy inflammation of the skin on the back, arms, hands, face or other areas of the body. It appears as dry, thickened areas covered in a red rash, often with lumps or blisters. The condition runs in families and is thought to be caused by over stimulation of the immune system. Eczema treatment generally involves applying prescription emollients and topical corticosteroids to dry skin. However, many sufferers find that natural home remedies are just as effective at alleviating their symptoms.

Japanese Oolong tea is gaining popularity as a remedy for eczema. In one study, over 60% of patients experienced less itching and inflammation after drinking three cups daily for two weeks. Many sufferers who have tried the tea at home have reported remarkable results. The anti-allergic polyphenols contained in Oolong tea may improve dermatitis by helping to prevent inappropriate immune responses.

One of the oldest traditional remedies for dermatitis is an oatmeal bath. Oatmeal soothes irritation as it hydrates the skin. Scientists have recently discovered that an oat particle, avenanthramides, aids in restoring the cutaneous barrier, helping skin to retain more moisture. A soaking mixture can be made with ordinary breakfast oats finely ground in a blender. The powder should be added to warm, running water when filling the tub.

Fish oil capsules can improve many cases of dermatitis. In order to function at optimal levels, the immune system requires the right balance of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. Most modern Western diets are deficient in omega-3. Daily supplementation with omega-3 fish oil helps to restore a healthy immune response. In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 may diminish rashes and skin outbreaks.

Witch hazel has a history of use as a topical treatment for acne, sunburn, chicken pox, diaper rash and insect bites. It promotes skin healing, reduces itchiness and eases pain and swelling. In studies comparing witch hazel, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory creams and hydrocortizone for treating dermatitis symptoms, the old home remedy was found to be just as effective as the modern treatments.

Evening primrose oil capsules have been shown to decrease the intensity of atopic dermatitis. In one study, patients took the supplements on a daily basis. After five months, over 90% of them showed a reduction in itching, dryness and inflammation. Evening primrose oil is a good source of gamma-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid which helps to repair and maintain the structure of skin cells.

Foods such as yogurt which are fortified with probiotics can help control dermatitis in people with associated food allergies. Lactobacillus GG and other strains work in the digestive tract to suppress harmful bacteria and inhibit inappropriate immune reactions. Pregnant women can even lower the risk of eczema in their babies by adding probiotics to their diets.

Licorice gel is a relatively new eczema treatment. The root of the licorice plant contains a substance called glycyrrhizinic acid which can help to reduce the skin irritation associated with dermatitis. It is also a natural skin-lightener. In one study, patients who applied a gel containing a two percent concentration of licorice saw a reduction in itching, swelling and redness after two weeks.

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Possible Natural Ways On How To Cure Eczema

By Grace Hamilton

In today's world, a lot of people are finding their way back to using natural remedies. They prefer to give natural healing a chance versus synthetic or chemically produced medications. This is a good way to focus on natural ways being used on how to cure eczema. Using natural healing, one has to be prepared to be patient and believe in the possible cure.

Eczema is an illness which is connected with one's immune system and skin reaction. Breakouts may be attributed to eating certain foods, allergies to certain dyes in fabric or even one's environment, and even reactions to weather changes. These are all potential re-activators for a person with eczema.

Some natural suggestions for curing this skin sensitivity can be listed as follows: sea salt baths, aloe vera juice, calendula cream, a few basic dietary changes to include more selenium, zinc, vitamin E and C and reduce stress triggers.

A great way to cleanse the body and promote relaxation is by doing a sea salt bath. Simply adding a few cups to a warm bath and being in it for a few minutes can do a body a world of good. The salt contains a lot of minerals, as well as reducing pain, soothing inflammation, increasing blood circulation and pumping up the moisture level of the body's tissues.

Aloe vera juice is also mother nature's way to generate healing as well. It is used a burn treatment, and helps reduce inflammation and itching while moisturizing your skin. Aloe Vera can sometimes give you instant relief. The fresh juice is usually more potent.

Aside from being moisturizing, calendula cream is also anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial. It promotes healing by bringing blood to the infected area. It also helps by producing collagen proteins to heal the skin and connective tissues. Another aid, is by stopping pathogens from going into the blood by way of damaged skin.

And last but not least, changing up one's diet to include more fruits and vegetables can really make an impact on the internal healing of eczema. Including more selenium, zinc, vitamins E and C can also work to heal from the inside out. Another factor which is sometimes overlooked is stress. This does its share of altering one's peace of mind and hence causing internal chemical imbalance resulting in external agitation which can sometimes show up in skin disorders.

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