Sunday, March 4, 2012

Various Effective Scalp Eczema Treatment

By Kenneth Ponsol

Dandruff is an occasional occurrence for some, but a select few experience it chronically and accompanied with other symptoms. This dry flakiness that falls on our clothes is embarrassing and may signify a medical condition known as scalp eczema. Scalp eczema treatment may vary, but there are many choices to rid the hair and scalp from this bothersome condition.

This condition is also called seborrheic dermatitis in adults, and is sometimes referred to as cradle cap in infants. It causes symptoms like a greasy scalp, itching, skin patches and flakes, and lesions that may ooze. The itching and flakes are often disturbing and embarrassing.

A cause for seborrheic dermatitis is not known but possible origins vary. It may result as an overabundance of sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands. Sebum is a natural oil on the head, but it may flourish out of control causing a greasy and waxy build up that in turn leads to an increase in malassezia, a fungus that occurs naturally on the scalp.

Other possible causes include a shift in weather, too much stress, dry skin and sweating. In additions, exposure to allergens or irritants may cause a flare-up. A genetic link is a possibility as well as hormonal changes. Treatments vary, but some offer a reduction in flare-ups and a decrease in symptoms.

Shampoos are an excellent source for relief. They contain ingredients that target specific symptoms, so matter which symptoms are occurring, there is a shampoo that can help. Anti-fungal shampoos are beneficial and contain the ingredient Ketoconazole. Salicylic acid helps control itch. Ointments applied to the skin are also helpful. Coal tar is helpful in reducing flakes, and corticosteroids stop itching as well.

This condition is chronic and can occur at anytime and often. As soon as symptoms occur, treatment should be administered. Prompt care could reduce flare-ups and control symptoms. Avoid hair care products that may contribute to flare-ups, such as those with fragrances and other irritants.

Wash hair often and completely. Infrequent shampooing and not washing thoroughly may cause a flare-up. Dry skin is a possible cause so a good conditioner is necessary to keep head moisturized. Hot water dries the skin so use cold or warm water to wash hair. Washing after exercise is a must due to sweat increasing the likelihood of occurrence. A nutritious diet is another way to control symptoms. Certain vitamins and minerals may decrease flaking. Zinc and Vitamin B are two helpful aids in reducing dandruff.

Scalp eczema treatment is a great way to control symptoms. No treatment will be effective for everyone, so different treatments may need to be tried until the right one is found. This requires diligence and patience. Extreme itchiness and flakes can be embarrassing, but proper care reduces these problems. This is a condition that is chronic and will likely re-occur so it is important to keep up with treatments and attack signs as soon as they happen. A doctor may be of some help if these over-the-counter treatments fail to produce results. Stronger shampoos and medication can be prescribed. Making some lifestyle changes and maintaining treatment regimes should be enough to offer comfort and relief. .

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