Sunday, July 31, 2011

Eczema In Your Child

By Brian E. Howard

I strongly believe that most parents would do anything to keep their children safe, comfortable, and well provided for. So what happens when your child is struggling with Eczema?

This would probably put parents in a difficult situation; however, it is important that they allow themselves to be calm and rational at all times so that they can function to help their child get through it.

So what is Eczema? Well this is basically a skin condition in which the skin gets inflamed. It becomes red and small bumps start forming. It is also known to be hereditary. Another thing about Eczema is that it can get very dry and itchy and starts popping out in different parts of the body.

Very common places where the eczema may appear would be on the face, arms, legs, and the trunk. The kids have become susceptible to eczema because the parent may have hay fever, asthma, or other kind of allergies. The symptoms can come out when a baby is only several months old and almost always appear before they turn five.

When a child reaches his teenage years, then there is the possibility that he will no longer need to battle with eczema. However, there are cases where eczema can last throughout teenage and adult years.

It is important that parents become aware of the signs of eczema early on. As I mentioned earlier, one of the basic signs is that the skin becomes very dry and itchy. Rashes can develop as the skin becomes inflamed. The skin becomes red and small bumps will start appearing. It appears in the face and will start making its way towards the lower region of the body such as the arms, legs, and trunk.

When the child gets older, then inflamed areas of the skin become less oozy, but it is still dry and very itchy. Since Eczema is hereditary, we cannot really avoid it from happening; however, we can do our best to prevent it from flaring up all the time.

Some basic things parents can do in order to avoid these flare ups would be to keep you home clean and free of dust, molds, pollen, or any other forms of chemicals and allergens that may irritate the child. Avoid harsh soap or detergents on clothes. Stay away from certain skin care products. Keep your child moisturized especially after baths. Make sure that they are emotionally and mentally stress free and try to help them avoid excessive sweating.

Your child does not have to let eczema get the better of them. So as a parent, you can help them fight it and constantly reassure them of your love and affection. With this, they will be able to live a healthy and stress free life.

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Eczema On The Face

By Brian E. Howard

Eczema as many perceived is a rash that produces an itch but it's actually an itch that when scratched results to a rash. It is a skin inflammation that can affect many areas of the body including the face.

If one has it, the one part of the body that many wouldn't want to have it on is the face. Visible as it is in the face, no one wants to have it there for it is a humiliation on one's part. People would easily notice it and would stay away from you.

Some who have eczema on the face experience low self-esteem because people would comment on such condition? Using different kinds of cosmetics is their plan to cover up that skin problem.

There have been studies why it would appear on the face. Some would say that it is because of poor digestion that causes your intestinal tract to malfunction that's why there's a tendency that it appears on the face. Most likely it is a natural way of saying that there's something wrong with your digestive system.

The face is very vulnerable and would likely be an easy target. However, there are various treatments that can be done. Having a cure for it is often a long process of trial and error.

Proper diet with conscious effort to avoid allergic reactions will help out in the process. Going to the doctor to find out what's the best facial product to go with also would ease irritations.

The most important prevention is to avoid physical and mental stress. This may sound unavoidable but if you track down again the cause of having eczema it boils down to excessive hormones in the body. Cortisol, a stress hormone is not your friend when it comes to a healthy skin. With this understanding, one should note that staying away from any form of stress can help your adrenal glands not to be exhausted and intestinal tract to function well.

Eczema on the face can be treated and prevented as mentioned above, it's just a matter of change in lifestyle and making the right choices for it is not too late too reverse it. It may take a long time but it is worth the wait.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lotion Is The Best Eczema Home Remedies

By Ahmed Chia

Products like lotion and creams as a medication for eczema are being sold on the market.

Is it effective? Would it work? I am very sure that you've asked yourself these factors.

Trying our best not to scratch our skin when skin diseases strikes, like eczema. If the product you're using really works for you, then it's good for you! Even other lotions or cream commercials tells you that their products really work. It is also essential that you know the eczema products.

Prescriptive medications could be effectual. Yet, the effectiveness would be unaffordable.

Almost all of the drugstores creams has cortisone. It is a chemical that can treat a lot of ailments.

Most doctors do not advised to use this type of chemicals for a long time. It could give more serious illness that you may ever think of.

It's a given fact that most products we have today has chemical on it. Using products that has chemicals can give side effects. But today technology improves other option for different diseases. One of these is the natural products. We can see natural version for any product which is available also in the market

It was reported that most people today are using and choosing natural products for any diseases. People are more aware now to check products and research for what is the best that they can use. Natural products are more cheaper than branded cream and lotions remedies available in the market.

What is better, for eczema remedy natural or products that came out of the lab? Trust your instinct! Do not underestimate natural products if you're buying a medication for any skin problems. Especially for eczema's remedy. Whatever the product of the commercial tells you if the product is unnatural do not take the risk of using it you'll never what side effect it could lead to.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Learn More About Eczema

By Brian Howard

Eczema may occur at any part from your body, and there is no common reason from this skin condition, although there are studies that eczema is caused through a genetic defect in the epidermis, this permits geological irritants, allergens and microbes that penetrates and arouse an seditious reaction. This skin infection is very usual to children, and adults. Eczema necessarily to get an effective management done medical remedies, having a regular on skin tending and avoiding those factors that objects that triggers eczema to flare-up.

Eczema, this is identified by dried out, red and bumpy skin that may be chronic and does not heal like normal rash. It gives a discomfort and itching factor, if it is severe it could be painful. If eczema is present during infancy, the treatment may complicate because it must come from the parent. There are many causes of eczema but there is no single proof that it really causes eczema to flare-up.

There are many factors that said to be the caused of eczema, and one of it was mentioned awhile ago, the inherited constituent. Another constituent is the environment, where the sufferers live, they may have a warmer or dryer mood, or a dirty place, and this environment leave give rise to the eczema to a serious stage. Food is too a factor that is able to trigger eczema, the food you could intake may have low fatty acids and amino acids, which restrict the skin development and mending.

An other element to the causes of eczema is the use of aroma and lotions that creates an irritant to the skin, and causes the dryness of the skin and leads to itchiness. To avoid the causes, at all times take responsible of your skin; make sure that the surroundings you are staying has a humid temperature, eat healthy food, sustain balance diet and evade using scented and lotion products that you believe irritates your skin. Having eczema may also stimulate the change of attitude to the sufferer, he/she may loose his/her self-esteem, to evade this condition always socializes and boosts your self-esteem.

There is only limited study of eczema that can aid us be aware of the known causes, and causes, may vary from person to another person. All we want to do is to take care of or skin and if eczema flare-ups know your limitations on the things around you to avoid serious eczema. Always remember to intake healthy foods, and never give up on treating eczema.

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Eczema Home Remedies

By Patrina Shuck

Some types of Allergies and Eczema are two of the most common skin diseases. It is mostly itchy and gives red spot on your skin. It might seem that it's easy to handle but it could lead to a serious disease. Until now, no one can tell how this really started and what is really causing this issue.

For eczema, even expert proven that there are no cure for it. Instead you can use treatments to control it but not totally cure it. Some treatments for eczema aim to reduce inflammation and to relieve itching. But for allergies, once you confirmed the cause you can cure the allergy.

For eczema, even though no one can tell how it's started or what really causing it, scientists made medicines for eczema and allergies. There are more products to control it. Lots of improved medications are available in the market today. Like lotions, creams, tablets and many more.

For your safety, ask your doctor's advice for any medicine you're planning to purchase. Have them check the disease first to give you the best medicine that safe for your skin. Or you can even try skin test first for any products that you'll plan to use especially for those products that you can buy over the counter.

Eating some foods are the most common cause of allergies. But using too much chemicals to any product s can harm your skin or might lead to another allergies. If you know that you have an allergy for specific chemicals or ingredient always make sure that you check the label before you purchase a product. And if you're not sure for specific chemical that can cause you allergy you may also choose uncolored, unscented or even hypoallergenic.

Allergies and Eczema are related in many ways. Take away all causes of it to totally avoid these diseases from your skin.

But the best thing you can do is to have it check by the doctor to advise you the most effective treatment for your skin disease.

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Main Causes Of Eczema

By Brian E. Howard

No one would want to come down with Eczema. This is a skin disease which usually comes out when a person is a baby and it could sometimes last through their adult years. Many people have said that it is a rash that gets itchy. However, the reality is that there is an itch in the skin, and so when you scratch it, a rash will appear. Eczema is usually hereditary.

It can be triggered by any contact with soaps, cosmetics, clothing, detergents, jewelry, or sweat. These substances can cause allergic reactions.

There are many theories and factors of what causes eczema. Many doctors have said that there is a weakening in the skin and its function. If there is also something wrong with the immune system, then this could be one of the main leads.

Here are some causes of eczema

*Imbalance in the hormones-When the body is producing too many or too little hormones. There this is an imbalance which is also known as low thyroid function. Circulation in the blood starts becoming stagnant because it receives only one fourth of the blood supply the body needs when the thyroid is low. Therefore, this causes the swelling and itching in the skin.

*Improper Digestion - One of the main causes of Eczema is the Intestinal Tract dysfunction. If the gut is unhealthy then you can conclude that the rest of the body is not functioning well including the skin, because in the stomach, nutrients are made as fuel for running the entire body system.

*Infection - The Immune System plays a major role in our body as it actively fights germs to maintain the body healthy as possible. The weakening of the immune system brings about different kinds of inflammation including Candidiasis which looks like a yeast-like fungus.

*Severe Stress-Too much stress never does our body any good. The stress hormone is called cortisol. If it is triggered in any way through emotional, mental, or physical causes and it becomes so severe, then it will start infecting your intestinal tract by getting rid of the good bacteria within. Adrenal glands can also be overused which would break them down, and this could later cause eczema.

So now that you have read about the factors that cause eczema, you now know why there is no "quick cure" to it. However, don't lose hope, because sometimes all it takes is the proper diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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